Parents and families play an integral role in the John de la Howe community. We invite our families to connect and stay abreast of the current happenings on campus.
School Information & Resources
2024-2025 School Year
2025-2026 School Year
Academic Calendar - Adopted 12/6/24
Power School
PowerSchool access is available for currently enrolled students and custodial parents/guardians here. If you have problems accessing your PowerSchool account, please contact Katie Lively, School Counselor at (864) 391-0505, or Email Katie Lively.
End of Course Testing
English 2 Writing: December 12
English 2 Reading: December 13
Biology 1: December 13
US History and Constitution: December 14
Admissions & Recruitment
Help educate parents of potential students about the Governor's School for Agriculture! If you would like materials or further information on how you can assist the Admissions Office, please contact Michael Murphy at Email Michael Murphy.