The sun hangs high over one of our fields on campus.

The farm at the John de la Howe campus produces a number of crops throughout the year, both while students are enrolled in the school year and during the summer months. Among the wide variety crops grown across our 1,310 acres are strawberries, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, black-eyed peas, green beans, okra and sweet corn.

The farm also produces a variety of grains, cover crops and deer corn (which is sold to the community in bags and pallets). Students take an active role in growing and harvesting these crops. Meticulous charting of our crop production shows ongoing growth in crop production, thanks to the hard work of our farm staff and student assistants.

Farm Office Phone: 864-391-0488

Farm Staff Email:

The farm at JDLH produces grain and hay, which can be used to feed livestock.

A wide variety of plant life is grown and harvested on the JDLH campus.

Zucchini is regularly grown and harvested on campus.

Okra is a favorite crop grown at the John de la Howe campus.

Students and staff on the farm grow squash and cucumbers.

The John de la Howe campus produces green beans that are served in the cafeteria.

During the summer months, the fields are alive with sunflowers.

A favorite crop on the John de la Howe campus is sweet corn.

Students take a hand in planting strawberries on the campus.

The crops on the farm are not just a great source of good but of beauty too.