Kunekune pigs are among the livestock being auctioned.

The Governor's School for Agriculture's farm has launched a new auction widget that will open up the sale of available livestock to a wider potential market.

The auction widget was launched earlier this week, and the current sale continues through Friday, February 7 at 5 p.m. It's an excellent opportunity for small farm owners to bring a bit of John de la Howe to their own land.

The auction page may be accessed at SCGSA at JDLH Farm.

Among the items currently being auctioned are three Kunekune pigs that are being raised on the JDLH Farm in a homestead-like environment. Kunekune pigs are a small, hairy breed of domestic pig that are closely associated with the indigenous peoples of New Zealand. In the Maori language, the word kunekune means "fat and round."

Other livestock available in the current auction include four roosters and a ram sheep.

Ram sheep being offered for the JDLH Farm auction.The JDLH Farm page states:

Please understand that there are a lot of people interested in livestock coming from the S.C. Governor's School for Agriculture, and we are working to enhance our processes to allow everyone to have a chance to make a purchase. Our goal is to be fair to all interested parties. We will only be notifying the winners of each bid. If the winner does not complete the purchase within the allotted time, the next highest bidder will be contacted and so on until all livestock are sold.

So who will be highest bidder and take home a bit of John de la Howe history for their own pasture or backyard? Only time will tell. You have until 5 p.m. Friday to see if YOU are the lucky winner.

One of the roosters available on the auction.Another of the roosters on the auction.