Six brave Aggies ventured to Pendleton High School on Friday, February 21, carrying the banner of the Governor’s School for Agriculture at John de la Howe into the annual Mr. FFA competition.
In the end, our student body president – and always charismatic – Ty Morton walked away as the runner-up in a field of more than 70 entrants. His infectious personality and good cheer also earned him Mr. Congeniality honors among his fellow competitors.
“This FFA experience was really great for me,” Ty said after being met offstage by a large contingent of fellow Aggies, staff and family who traveled to Pendleton to cheer on our entrants. “I got to meet a lot of good boys. We had some really good competition, and I’m thankful for everybody who supported me tonight.”
One of the selfless acts that endeared Ty to his fellow Mr. FFA competitors from across the state was that he allowed other contestants to borrow neckties to complete their official “dress blues” as they walked across the state in the FFA’s iconic blue corduroy jacket. After the Top 10 was announced, numerous young men who did not make the finals stood along the perimeter of the auditorium and openly cheered for Ty.
“FFA is a brotherhood and a family,” Ty said. “FFA has been good to me, so I’m just giving back.”
Luke Williams, another of our intrepid Aggies, also made the Top 10. As finalists, both Ty and Luke were called upon to draw questions from a jar and offer impromptu answers. Ty was asked, “How are you built to lead?” while Luke was asked which role model in his life helped him to grow during his time in the FFA. Luke praised his father.
“Because he got me into FFA and taught me how to do all these agricultural things such as hunting and fishing,” Luke said. “He got me outside. He made me realize that I wanted to go outside and work outside.” Luke also thanks his FFA advisors for their guidance at school.
Meanwhile, recent Aggie transfer student Rand Martin collected a third honor for the Governor’s School for Agriculture as he was named the “People’s Choice.” Rand raised the most funds on a table outside the auditorium where each contestant had a brown paper sack; each contestant’s supporters could deposit money (donations to the Pendleton High FFA chapter) into his individual bag.
“It’s really been an incredible time,” Rand said of his Mr. FFA experience and his first three months as a member of the Governor’s School for Agriculture chapter. “Like I’ve said to other people, and as other people have said to me, FFA gives you so many opportunities. Getting this award is such a huge opportunity and such a special moment.”
Dell Brockman, Kaelin Hinkle and Cooper Harrison rounded out the field of Aggies who competed in this year’s Mr. FFA. State FFA vice-president Lyle Fulmer, a Governor’s School for Agriculture alumnus and a former Mr. FFA, served as master of ceremonies for the event.
Congratulations to all who stepped up and stepped out of their comfort zones to participate!